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Fig. 4 | Fluids and Barriers of the CNS

Fig. 4

From: Age-appropriate potassium clearance from perinatal cerebrospinal fluid depends on choroid plexus NKCC1

Fig. 4

Studies in rats recapitulated CSF K+ and ChP NKCC1 findings in mice (A) Developing rat CSF had significantly decreased K+ concentration from E21 to P1. N = 3–7. **** p = 0.0002; (B) Developing rat serum had significantly decreased K+ concentration from E17 to E19, and then to P4. *** p = 0.0.0002 (E17 to E19); * p = 0.0479 (E21 to P1); *** p = 0.0003 (E21 to P4). (C) CSF:serum K+ ratio showed beginning of CSF clearance around P1. N = 4–6. *** p = 0.0049. (D) CSF and serum collected from euthanized adult rats had significantly higher K+ concentration than those collected from anesthetized live adults. *** p = 0.0016; * p = 0.0465. Statistics in A-D were calculated by unpaired t-test with Welch’s correction. (E-G) Rat ChP immunoblotting showing increased total NKCC1 and decreased pNKCC1 during development. N = 5–6 per condition. F-G show quantification of all samples. F: **** p < 0.0001 (one-way ANOVA with multiple comparison. E21 vs. adults: P1 vs. adults: ; P4 vs. adults). G: ** p < 0.01 (one-way ANOVA with multiple comparison. E21 vs. adults: <0.0001; P1 vs. adults: 0.0042; P4 vs. adults: 0.0007)

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