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Table 1 Expression levels of genes encoding RMT receptors in isolated human brain microvessels (BMV), brain and lung (RNAseq normalized read counts; average ± SD)

From: Differential expression of receptors mediating receptor-mediated transcytosis (RMT) in brain microvessels, brain parenchyma and peripheral tissues of the mouse and the human


Human BMV

Human brain

Human lung


1645.22 ± 249.68

1560.20 ± 520.04

7856.4 ± 6648.12


3010.84 ± 1158.90*

854.14 ± 81.00

1260.72 ± 106.44


1304.87 ± 746.61

905.46 ± 229.11

800.57 ± 198.75


602.08 ± 550.37

613.27 ± 194.15

4162.89 ± 2237.01*


6896.83 ± 2520.15

5797.91 ± 1220.33

12,733.83 ± 4968.54


1424.41 ± 2003.73*

294.13 ± 121.19

6952.95 ± 2791.13

LRP8 (ApoER2)

695.27 ± 650.56

734.55 ± 153.52

116.66 ± 69.72


5578.82 ± 1174.14

7977.31 ± 2267.54

7621.38 ± 3189.82


9579.89 ± 7741.88#

3110.7 ± 1033.78

472.20 ± 217.86


6527.14 ± 3983.38

4619.39 ± 509.35

5088.29 ± 425.63


1131.17 ± 617.91*

1932.75 ± 612.91

3549.49 ± 132.05

  1. Comparison of gene expression (transcript abundance) across isolated human BMVs, brain and lung was performed using One-way ANOVA, followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons test. Significant difference was indicated by (*). For simplicity, statistical significance was shown only for comparisons of BMV against other tissues (but not among other tissues)
  2. *INSR expression in BMV was significantly (p < 0.05) higher compared to either brain or lung
  3. *IGF2R expression in lung tissue was significantly (p < 0.05) higher compared to either brain vessels or brain
  4. *LDLR expression in BMV was significantly higher (p < 0.001) compared to brain and significantly lower (p < 0.05) compared to lung
  5. #SLC2A1/GLUT1: one sample out of 3 showed low transcript level, causing high SD. Therefore, despite overall high abundance, there was no significant difference compared to brain and lung. *LEPR expression in BMV was significantly lower compared to lung (p < 0.001)