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Figure 1 | Fluids and Barriers of the CNS

Figure 1

From: Brain pericytes from stress-susceptible pigs increase blood-brain barrier permeability in vitro

Figure 1

Electron microscopy of cross sections of brain capillaries from pigs with or without a point mutation in the ryr1/hal gene: NN (A and B), Nn (C and D) and nn (E and F) pigs. A and B: Cross sections of capillary segments from two NN pigs. The lumen (Lum) was surrounded by an extremely thin endothelium. There is no obvious large perivascular space (Original magnification: × 6000). C and D: Cross sections of capillary segments from two Nn pigs. The lumen (Lum) was surrounded by a thin endothelium (E), with some small intraluminal expansions and microvesicles (particularly in D). Inset: Higher magnification of the microvesicles. Note the enlarged perivascular spaces (*) in C and D, and the macrophage (M) close to the pericyte (P). (Original magnification: × 6000). E and F: Cross sections of capillary segments from two nn pigs. Oedematous changes in the pericapillary parenchyma can be seen in E. Pseudocrystalloid deposits (arrow) are visible in the perivascular space (*), between the capillary and the myelinated fascicles in F. Inset: Higher magnification of the pseudocristalloid. (Original magnification: ×6000). Scale bars = 4 μm for all micrographs.

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