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Table 7 Sample preparation procedure for LC-MS/MS analysis

From: A study protocol for quantitative targeted absolute proteomics (QTAP) by LC-MS/MS: application for inter-strain differences in protein expression levels of transporters, receptors, claudin-5, and marker proteins at the blood–brain barrier in ddY, FVB, and C57BL/6J mice




I. Reduction and alkylation of proteins


Add denaturing buffer to 50 μg protein of protein sample on ice (total volume should be 220 μL).

· Denature protein.

· Can deal with samples at r.t. after denaturing protein samples.

·Should use low-protein-adsorption 1.5-mL tubes, e.g., SUMITOMO BAKELITE, SUMILON Proteosave SS 1.5 mL tubes, MS-4215 M.

· Do not pipet to prevent adsorption of proteins in pipette tips.


Add same amount of DTT as protein amount (Add 1 μL of 50 μg/μL DTT solution).

· Do not pipet.


Stir the sample using a tube mixer (e.g., cute mixer CM-1000, EYELA) for 60 min at r.t.

· Reduction of S-S bond.


Add 2.5-fold IAA of protein amount (Add 2.5 μL of 50 μg/μL IAA solution).

· Do not pipet.


Stir the sample using a tube mixer for 60 min at r.t. in the dark.

· Protection of –SH residue (alkylation)

· IAA can be degraded by light, so the sample tubes should be protected from light.

II. Methanol-chloroform precipitation (on ice)


Add 600 μL cold methanol to sample solution. Invert the tube.

· Do not pipet.


Add 150 μL cold chloroform to sample solution. Invert the tube.

· Do not pipet.


Immediately after adding 450 μL cold water to sample solution and inverting the tube, centrifuge the sample using swing rotor at 15,000 rpm for 5 min at 4°C.

· Do not pipet.


Immediately after centrifugation, remove the upper layer (until a floating pellet).

· The floating pellet is protein.

· Do not take the protein pellet.


Add 450 μL cold methanol to sample solution. Invert the tube gently to wash the protein pellet.

· Do not pipet.


Centrifuge sample using swing rotor at 15,000 rpm for 5 min at 4°C.



Immediately after centrifugation, remove the supernatant.

· Do not take the protein pellet.


Again centrifuge sample using swing rotor at 15,000 rpm for 1 min at 4°C and remove the supernatant completely.

· Do not take the protein pellet.

III. Double digestion with LysC and trypsin


Add 9 μL 6 M urea solution, and stir the sample using tube mixer for approximately 10 min at r.t.

· Do not pipet.


Add 36 μL 0.1 M Tris–HCl buffer (pH 8.5).

· Final concentration of urea is 1.2 M.

· Do not pipet.


Resuspend protein pellet by intermittent sonication with Branson 2510 sonicator.

· Sonication for 30 seconds followed by a pause for 30 seconds on ice. Repeat this step until the pellet is resuspended.


Add 1/100-fold LysC of the protein amount (add 1 μL 0.5 μg/μL LysC solution).

· Do not pipet.

· Gently tap using finger to stir sample solution.


Add 1% ProteaseMax solution (2.5 μL) so that the final concentration is 0.05%.

· Do not pipet.

· Gently tap using finger to stir sample solution.


Incubate sample at 25°C for 3 h.



Add 1/100-fold TPCK-trypsin of the protein amount (Add 1 μL of 0.5 μg/μL TPCK-trypsin solution).

· Do not pipet.

· Gently tap using finger to stir sample solution.


Incubate sample at 37°C for 16 h.

· Total volume is 49.5 μL.

IV. LC-MS/MS analysis


Add 7.5 μL of IS peptide mixture.

· The concentration of the IS peptide mixture should be adjusted so that the injected amount of each peptide is 500 fmol for HPLC-API5000 or 100 fmol for HPLC-QTRAP5500.

· Pipet well in sample solution when adding IS peptide solution, then mix with vortex mixer.


Add 3 μL 50% formic acid in water.

· Acidification.

· Mix with vortex mixer.

· Total volume is 60.0 μL.


Centrifuge sample at 15,000 rpm for 5 min at 4°C with an angular rotor.



Apply 58 μL supernatant to 96-well plates or vials in autosampler. Keep the autosampler at less than 10°C.



Inject 40 μL on LC-MS/MS.

· 40 μL includes 33.3 μg peptide sample (50 μg protein × 40 μL/60 μL) and 100 fmol (QTRAP5500) or 500 fmol (API5000) of IS peptides.