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Young Investigator Awards

FBCN was proud to award prizes to the following investigators for best presentations at the 2023 Hydrocephalus conference, August 25-28, Hamburg, Germany.

Congratulations from the journal Editors to:

1st Prize -Hydrocephalus Society Award

2nd (joint) Prize FBCNS - Katherine Warthen, Postdoctoral student, Alcyone Therapeutics, Moscow, ID, USA; Title: PROLONGED SPACEFLIGHT ALTERS INTRACRANIAL TISSUES, FLUIDS AND OCULAR MORPHOLOGY.
2nd (joint) Prize FBCNS - Joel Rasanen,  Department of Neurosurgery, Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio, Finland. Title: GENOME-WIDE ASSOCIATION STUDY IN 1022 IDIOPATHIC NORMAL PRESSURE HYDROCEPHALUS PATIENTS.

4th Prize FBCNS - Clara Constantinescu, Doctoral Student, Hydrocephalus Research Unit, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.  Title: PREVALENCE OF IDIOPATHIC NORMAL PRESSURE HYDROCEPHALUS IN SWEDEN – A POPULATION-BASED STUDY OF CLINICAL AND MRI FINDINGS IN 70-YEAR OLDS’

5th Prize FBCNS - Aaron Gonzales, PhD student, Department of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA.  Title: DIRECTED TOPOGRAPHICAL CHANGES TO REDUCE CELLULAR ADHESION AND VENTRICULAR WALL PULL IN.