Lester R Drewes, PhD, University of Minnesota, USA
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Lester Drewes is currently Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Minnesota Duluth Medical School, directs the Academic Health Center Duluth graduate programs, and chairs the Brain Barriers Research Center advisory committee. Following Ph.D. studies at the University of Minnesota (1970), Dr. Drewes conducted postdoctoral research with Professor David D. Gilboe at the University of Wisconsin in the area of neuroscience and in 1976 began his academic career at the University of Minnesota School of Medicine in Duluth. In 1992, Dr. Drewes co-hosted with A. Lorris Betz, MD the first CVB conference in Duluth and served as President of the International Brain Barriers Society from 2006 to 2017. Dr. Drewes is the recipient of a number of awards including the Javits Neuroscience Investigator Award by the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke. He currently serves on the editorial boards of biochemical and neurochemical journals and on several review panels. Dr. Drewes lists fourteen review chapters, one book and more than 100 peer reviewed publications and a similar number of meeting presentations and seminars.
Email: ldrewes@d.umn.edu
Mark G Hamilton, MDCM, FRCSC, FAANS, University of Calgary, Canada
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Dr. Mark G Hamilton, MDCM, FRCSC, FAANS, is from the University of Calgary, Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Division of Neurosurgery. Dr. Hamilton did his Bachelor of Science degree (with distinction) at the University of Toronto and then graduated from McGill University Medical School in 1983. He did his Neurosurgery Residency at the University of Calgary and received his FRCSC in 1991. He did Fellowship training in the cerebrovascular, skull base, and pediatric Neurosurgery at the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona, and joined the University of Calgary Department of Clinical Neurosciences in 1994, where he is currently a Professor of Neurosurgery with additional appointments in the Department of Surgery and the Department of Pediatrics. He was the Chief of the Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery from 2002-2011. He is head of the University of Calgary Adult Hydrocephalus Program, which he established with the University of Calgary Adult Hydrocephalus Clinic in 2008. Dr. Hamilton is the chair of the Adult Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network (AHCRN), which has eight clinical sites in three countries, Past-President of the Hydrocephalus Society (International Society for Hydrocephalus and Cerebrospinal Fluid Disorders (ISHCSF)), a member of the Board of Directors of the Hydrocephalus Association (HA), Vice-Chair of the Medical Advisory Board (MAB) of HA, a member of the Board of Directors of Hydrocephalus Canada, and a member of the Medical Advisory Board of Hydrocephalus Canad. He has been a past co-chair of the Journal of Neurosurgery Editorial Board and is a member of the Editorial Boards of Neurosurgery and the Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences. His current main clinical and research interests are diagnosing and managing hydrocephalus in adults.
Email: mghamilton.hydro@gmail.com
Richard F Keep, PhD, University of Michigan, USA
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Richard F. Keep, Ph.D. is a Professor in the Department of Neurosurgery and in the Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology at the University of Michigan. He is also Director of the Crosby Neurosurgical Laboratories and Associate Chair for Research in Neurosurgery. His main research areas are transport at the blood-brain and blood-CSF barriers, effects of neurological disorders on the barriers, and hemorrhagic and ischemic brain injury (stroke).
Email: rkeep@med.umich.edu
Founding Editor
Hazel C Jones, PhD, King's College London, UK
Founding Editor
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Hazel Jones is Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, King's College London and lately Courtesy Research Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, University of Florida. She received a BSc degree in Physiology (University College London), MSc in pharmacology (Oxford) and PhD in Zoology (University of Hull). From 1991 she was Research Professor at the University of Florida. During her career she researched on comparative and developmental aspects of cerebrospinal fluid circulation, brain electrolyte homeostasis, and rodent models of inherited congenital hydrocephalus. In 2004 she returned to the UK and started as Editor in Chief of the journal Fluids and Barriers of the CNS (previously Cerebrospinal Fluid Research), a role in which she served till 2023.
Email: hazelcjones@btinternet.com