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Fig. 3 | Fluids and Barriers of the CNS

Fig. 3

From: Epigenetics and stroke: role of DNA methylation and effect of aging on blood–brain barrier recovery

Fig. 3

Genomic location of DMRs within poststroke BBB recovery in young (6 month) mice. Volcano plot of DMRs located within A gene promoters and B non-promoter regions, defined as any DMR outside of a promoter region (e.g. exons, introns, untranslated regions, 1-5 kb upstream of transcription start site). The x-axis is the percent methylation difference and the y-axis is the − log10(q-value). Significant DMRs (methylation difference > 25% and q-value < 0.01) are red, while DMRs lacking statistical significance are black. Violin plots demonstrate differential methylation of genes involved in (C) cell junctions, polarity and actin cytoskeleton, D angiogenesis and endothelial genes, E signaling pathways and transcription factors, F transporters and channels, and G cell adhesion and extracellular matrix. All DMRs, regardless of statistical significance, are represented for genes relevant to endothelial cell biology, with genes containing significant DMRs denoted with an asterisk (*). Gene promoter DMRs are red, and gene body DMRs are blue. Other DMRs, that are located 1-5 kb upstream of transcription start site or no genomic location, are gray

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