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Fig. 9 | Fluids and Barriers of the CNS

Fig. 9

From: CNS endothelial derived extracellular vesicles are biomarkers of active disease in multiple sclerosis

Fig. 9

Age and gender analysis for total CNS-EEV concentrations. Correlation analysis of patient age in years and total CNS-EEV concentration for all donors as a single group (A) or when separated into different patient groups (B). Note the data in A and B are identical but have been analyzed differently. Patient groups include HC, active RRMS patients not receiving DMT (Active), stable RRMS patients not receiving DMT (Stable), or stable RRMS patients receiving natalizumab (NTZ) or ocrelizumab (OCZ). No significant correlations were determined using Pearson’s r analysis. (C) Comparison of total CNS-EEV concentrations in female or male donors for indicated patient groups. Analysis was also performed when all MS patients were grouped together (All MS) or when all donors including HC were grouped together (All Donors). Results are displayed as box and whisker plots with each individual patient represented as a dot. * p ≤ 0.05 determined by unpaired student’s t-tests

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