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Table 1 Classifications of hydrocephalus

From: The definition and classification of hydrocephalus: a personal recommendation to stimulate debate



Controversial areas

Raimondi [7]

All intracranial fluids except blood found in excess

Includes vasogenic and cytotoxic edema

Includes brain atrophy and hydrocephalus ex vacuo

Mori [4]

Definition of intractable hydrocephalus

In which case is intervention futile?

Johnston [2]

Includes all abnormalities of CSF pressure and volume

Includes arrested hydrocephalus and cysts

Beni-Adani [1]

Obstructive vs communicating forms limited to infants and small children

Classification devised to define babies who may be candidates for third ventriculostomy

Oi [5]

Classification of infantile and fetal hydrocephalus based on CNS developmental state

Prognosis is dependent on what is occurring at the time the pathology develops. May be a rationale for in utero surgery

Rekate [24]

Based on point of obstruction and developed on a mathematical model

Assumes all hydrocephalus is obstructive