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Table 1 Overview of grouped data represented as means of medians (RT) or means of means (MT; Tone) ± SEM. (When taken as a group, NPH subjects performed differently from control subjects in each measure; ** p < 0.01, * p < 0.05).

From: Extrapyramidal signs in normal pressure hydrocephalus: an objective assessment


RT/EMG (ms)

RT/MO (ms)

Stim MT (ms)

Self MT (ms)

Tone (k)


170.0 ± 39

299.0 ± 38

493 ± 15

513 ± 18

.0012 ± .0003


233.8 ± 34**

345.8 ± 39**

554 ± 26**

628 ± 39**

.0055 ± .0010*