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Table 2 The number and percentage of patients positive and negative for the CSF ADA test using the diagnostic cut-off value of > 11.39 U/L/min for the TBM patients, the non-TBM infectious meningitis patients and the control group with non-infectious neurological disorders. The sensitivity of the test for positive diagnosis was 82% and the specificity was 83%. The 95% confidence interval for sensitivity is between 73.91 and 90.19, while 95% confidence interval for specificity is between 77.67 and 88.99.

From: Cerebrospinal fluid adenosine deaminase activity: A complimentary tool in the early diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis

Patient groups

Number of patients with ADA activity >11.39 U/L/min

Number of patients with ADA activity < 11.39 U/L/min

1. Tuberculous Meningitis (n = 117)

96 (82%)

21 (18%)

   Culture positive (n = 27)

26 (96%)

1 (4%)

   Clinically suspected (n = 90)

70 (78%)

20 (22%)

2. Non-TBM infectious meningitis (n = 60)

10 (17%)

50 (83%)

   Pyogenic meningitis (n = 41)

10 (24%)

31 (76%)

   Viral meningitis (n = 19)

0 (0%)

19 (100%)

3. Non-infectious neurological disorders (n = 104)


104 (100%)

   Headache (n = 32)


32 (100%)

   Stroke (n = 29)


29 (100%)

   Venous sinus thrombosis (n = 13)


13 (100%)

   Guillian-Barré syndrome (n = 12)


12 (100%)

   Epilepsy (06)


06 (100%)

   Other neurological disorders (n = 12)


12 (100%)