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Fig. 2 | Fluids and Barriers of the CNS

Fig. 2

From: Epigenetics and stroke: role of DNA methylation and effect of aging on blood–brain barrier recovery

Fig. 2

Analysis of DNA methylome in post-TE stroke BBB recovery. A Global DNA methylation assay demonstrates a trend of decreased global methylation following TE stroke in 6-month-old mice. Data represent average percentage of 5-mC ± SEM, n = 2. B Volcano plot of differentially methylated regions (DMRs), with the x- and y-axes showing percent methylation difference and -log10(q-value), respectively. Significant DMRs (methylation difference > 25% and q-value < 0.01) are represented in red, while DMRs with no statistical significance are black. C Bar charts summarizing the percentage of significant DMRs per genomic region (left) and CpG region (right). The percentage of hypermethylated DMRs are red, and the percentage of hypomethylated DMRs are blue. Summary of gene over-representation data for D structural GO terms and E signaling GO terms, with the x-axis demonstrating gene count. GO term were selected by statistical significance (q-value < 0.01) and relevance to endothelial cell biology

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