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Table 1 Summary of demographic and HIV disease characteristics of CHARTER study participants at baseline (entry) whose iron biomarkers were measured

From: Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers of iron status are associated with CSF viral load, antiretroviral therapy, and demographic factors in HIV-infected adults

Variable at baseline visit

All participants N = 403

Age (years), median (IQR)

43 (39, 49)

Sex (N, % women)

78 (19)

Race/ethnicity by self-report (N, %)

 Non-Hispanic Black

174 (43.2)

 Non-Hispanic White

178 (44.2)


42 (10.4)


9 (2.2)

Estimated duration of HIV infection (months), median (IQR)

118 (57, 183)

Nadir CD4+ T-cell count, median (IQR)

180 (56, 315)

AIDS status (N, %)

245 (61)

Virus detectability in plasma (N, % >LLQ)

215 (54)

Virus detectability in CSF (N,  % >LLQ)

126 (31)a

CSF VL (log10 HIV RNA copies/mL), median (IQR)

1.7 (1.7, 2.2)a

ZDV use (N, % yes)

79 (20)

Comorbidity (% mild to moderate)

134 (33)

Current alcohol abuse (N, % yes)

10 (2.5)

Hemoglobin, mean ± SD

14.1 ± 1.5

Anemia (N,  %)

54 (14)

CSF iron (µg/dL), median (IQR)b

3.1 (1.6, 5.7)

CSF transferrin (µg/mL), median (IQR)b

17.2 (10.3, 27.6)

CSF ferritin (ng/mL), median (IQR)b

2.7 (1.4, 4.2)

  1. IQR interquartile range, LLQ lower limit of quantitation, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, VL viral load (HIV RNA), ZDV zidovudine, SD standard deviation, µg/ng//dL/mL micrograms or nanograms per deciliter or milliliter
  2. aThree individuals did not have CSF viral load measurements
  3. bValues of zero for iron biomarkers were at or below the lower limit of detection of the assay